Wednesday, 24 June 2020


 amber indonesia
Succinic (incorrectly also called amber) is a fossil resin which is derived from coniferous trees. These trees were often referred to by the scientific name Pinus succinifera,A study of the origins of the ambers which exhibit blue sheen concluded that the Sumatran and Dominican blue amber resins were produced by the extinct tree species Hymenaea Protera which lived 40 to 80 million years ago. Another of the unique qualities of this material is an aromatic fragrance when it is worked or exposed to flame. a living pine species. The resin millions of years ago dripped from the trees and then petrified. Amber dating from the Mesozoic to the Quaternary. Amber is usually warm yellow to dark red in color, but there are more green, blue or even black types. Transparent amber is generally found the most beautiful and the most precious. Mineralogical seen succinic has an amorphous structure. It is quite soft, the hardness is 2-2.5. The word amber - in German Bernstein - comes from the Lower Saxon word that means Bornen burn. Indeed, this gemstone is flammable. Hot amber in English amber. In Dutch with amber usually meant the color amber. Also, a substance from the intestines of the sperm whale is called amber. This substance smells strong and is used in perfumes. The fact that many insects are found in amber also not escape the Romans. They stated this (correctly) by assuming that amber was liquid when it covered the insects. Therefore they called the stone Succinum or gum-stone. And the name still occurs in succinic acid (succinic acid), the scientific name for the pine species Pinus succinifera and also succinite, a name given by James Dwight Dana was given to a certain type of amber originating from the Baltic region. A general group of land snails are amber snails. They are so named because of the amber yellow color of the cochlea. The scientific name of a kind of amber snails reads Succinea putris. Amber is electrically charged by rubbing it along an animal fur. For this reason, the term electricity derived from the Greek word for amber, electron (Latin: electrum). In Greek mythology, the god Helios let one day his son Phaeton drive the solar car. But Phaeton could not rein in the horses, so the sun heaven and earth scorched. So were the people in Ethiopia their dark color. To save the earth Zeus throws his thunderbolt to Phaeton causing this death falls to the ground. The sisters of Phaeton, the Heliades, mourn him. Their tears trickle down and solidify into amber. The Greek mythological character Elektra is identified with amber. The Greek word for amber is "electron" (ηλεκτρον) from which our word "electricity" coming as a amber was up to the Greeks from the amber islands which one situated at the mouth of the legendary Amber River in the far north, the Eridanos.

Amber indonesia and sumatera island

This gemmy Blue Amber comes from the east flank of the Bukit Barisan mountain range. Specifically, in the northwest corner of the South Sumatra Basin, a massive area of coal deposits about 150 meters above sea level. The amber has been studied by the GIA (USA), and the GIT lab in Thailand (articles: THE COLOR PHENOMENA OF BLUE AMBER - Gems & Gemology, Summer 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2 and THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BLUE AMBER FROM INDONESIA – The Australian Gemologist Fourth Quarter 2013 Vol. 25 No. 4). It is a true amber and a portion is exceptionally beautiful and rare.

Lab Certificate

Geologically, this deposit occurs in the Sinamar Formation which is an early Oligocene age rock formation (approximately 40-80 million years old). These rocks have locally been intruded by younger volcanic dikes and sills. Subsequently the coal and amber were subjected to volcanic heat while buried deep in the sedimentary basin. Just one of 2 dozen active modern day volcanoes on the island of Sumatra, the Mt. Kerinci volcano lies just to the west and is a reminder of how natures kitchens work. Recent uplift has exposed the amber and coal deposits which are being exploited today.

The thermal metamorphism of these specific Ambers seems to have upgraded both the color and clarity of the Amber. We have seen honey yellow, green, orange, reddish, lavender & blue s

there are some regions of the country that have amber viz
1. Amber baltic
2. Amber Chiapas
3. Amber Dominican
4. Amber Columbia
5. Amber burmite
6. Amber New Zealand
7. Amber Indonesia (amber pacific, amber sumatera, amber new guinea)
From a literature search on the internet, I found that amber and amber blue had only been documented in 3 deposits. The most famous is Dominican blue, some rare blue can be found in Mexican deposits from Chiapas and now small deposits in Indonesian Sumatra. From a literature search on the internet, I found that blue and yellow have only been documented in 3 deposits. Most famous is the Dominican blue yellow, some rare blue can be found in Mexican deposits from Chiapas and now these small deposits in Indonesian Sumatra. amber indonesia is found in several regions but the most well-known is in the Bungo regency of Jambi Province or the town of Muara Bungo with mining at a mining company
PT. Tanjung Batang Asam
PT. Kuansing Inti Makmur
PT. Tanjung Belit Bara Utama
PT. Bungo Bara Utama
PT. KSU Betel Sekapur
PT. Tambul River Pauh
located in the town of estuary bungo, from estuary bungo to the location is 80 km, from jakarta to estuary bungo 1 hour plane flight, location using a double cabin or double car

The mine operator is a subsidiary of the Sinarmas group with the first contractor being PT. Artha prima pratama and now the contractor has been replaced, PT. CK According to the coal mine operator, there is very little coal left in this part of the deposit and they hope to complete and close production there by 2036. The hole will be buried and land reclaimed.

Amber blue is only a small part of the total amber. It was collected by amber seekers who sort through waste rock driven during daily coal mining. the company gave 1000 jobs to amber seekers from 2008 to present 2020

 there are several countries that import amber indonesia
1. United States
2. mexico
3. Argentina
4. Brazil
5. canada
6. dominican
7. China
8. Russia
9. Hongkong
10. Japan
11. Taiwan
12. Mongolia
14. Tibet
15. India
16. Pakistan
17. turkey
18. Kuwait
19. iraq
20. Dubai
21. bahrain
22. libanon
23. Saudi Arabia
24. Egypt
25. algeria
26. english
27. Denmark
28. Poland
29. chech republic
30. lithuania
31. german
32. Holland
33. Belgium
34. Greece
35. Israel
37. Spain
38. Sweden
39. Norway
40. Myanmar
41. Australia
42. new zealand
43. Singapore
44. Thailand
45. Ireland
46. Switzerland
47. France
48. Czech
49. wina
50. Albania

Indonesian amber colors
1. blue amber
2. black amber
3. brown amber
4. mix amber
5. kulup amber
6. Yellow amber
7. white amber
8. campur campur 

contact information +6285366560115


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