Tuesday 2 August 2016


For centuries amber was respected and admired by the civilizations of the four corners of the earth. The earliest known use of amber jewelry dates back before 6000 BC.
Pendant with carved human figures and animal-shaped amulet hunting has been found in Denmark from that period.

Sometime between 54 and 60C.E. Roman Emperor Nero sent an army officer to find the source of this precious substance. The trip to the north, he found ... the Baltic coast ... and returned with hundreds of pounds of amber. Rome yellow valued for its beauty and ability should protect the bearer from harm. It is also an ingredient in medicines and ointments. Roman historian Pliny reported that amber was so popular that a statue carved amber valued more highly than a healthy slave!

The earliest civilizations of northern Europe used amber, sometimes called the gold of the north, to barter for iron, copper, and other goods from the south. During the Middle Ages in European trade and the manufacture of yellow strictly controlled by the Teutonic Knights, who had just returned from the Crusades. unauthorized collection of amber executed.

Meanwhile, on the island terprimitif in Indonesia, now the Republic of Indonesia have discovered amber. When traders Erofa first visited the archipelago in 1492, he presented a young island chief with a strand of shiny amber beads. It has been said that a merchant erofa surprised when he received the reward of shoes decorated with amber beads!


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