Tuesday 2 August 2016


Indonesian archipelago republic amber, often classified as semi-precious stones, is actually fossilized resin of trees Hamenaea Protera growing around 30-40000000 years ago on the island of Sumatra and has now been extinct for millions of years.

Blue and yellow come in a variety of transparency, often referred to as the turbidity. Blue Amber when exposed to the sun on a white background, the light particles pass directly through and reflected on white background gives the appearance of any of the normal yellow color blue. But if the yellow is placed on a dark background or dark, light particles do not reflect on a black background, instead of refracting directly from amber itself. results; glorious blue light that characterizes Blue Amber suamtera further enhanced, especially in direct sunlight.

Although a number of studies have been conducted, it is not fully understood by science is why the Dominican Blue Amber displaying these characteristics. According to one theory, probably because of elements such as anthracene present as a result of 'incomplete combustion' because of forest fires between the extinct species Hymenaea tree Protera about 25 to 40 million years ago. Although, there is no convincing evidence that this is actually happening.

Amber is very important to science because it provides the only window is absolutely accurate to the past when the exotic insects and other strange creatures to explore an ancient world, which has largely been extinct for millions of years now. Because of the unique ability of yellow to embalm and preserve it perfectly prisoners, science was given the possibility to observe the life of the past in three dimensions and in full detail without exposing them to an environment that will lead to their destruction and plunder.

Contrary to popular belief, is not the product of a yellow tree sap, but rather is the result of the resin of trees that have very different properties. Even before becoming yellow can take anywhere from 20 to more than 200 million years, first took the form of copal which could be described as an amber adults who still need a few million years to get tougher, harder quality and more beautiful than amber. This process is known as Polymerization.

On the Mohs scale, amber has a hardness of 2 - 2.5 (gold has a hardness of 2.5 - 3) depending on where it was mined and that particular mine it came from.


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